Backyard Deer Deterrents: the dirt on keeping deer out of your garden without breaking the bank.

The sidebar directive is supplied by the sidebar plugin.

This directive can specify a custom sidebar to display on the page, overriding any sidebar that is displayed globally.

If no custom sidebar content is specified, it forces the sidebar page to be used as the sidebar, even if the global_sidebars setting has been used to disable use of the sidebar page by default.


[[!sidebar  content="""
This is my custom sidebar for this page.

\[[!calendar pages="posts/*"]]

[[!sidebar ]]


The graph directive is supplied by the graphviz plugin.

This directive allows embedding graphviz graphs in a page. Example usage:

[[!graph  src="a -> b -> c; a -> c;"]]

Nodes on the graph can link to external urls using regular graphviz syntax, and a clickable imagemap will be created. As a special extension for ikiwiki, WikiLinks can also be used. For example:

[[!graph  src="""
google [ href="" ]
sandbox [ href=[[SandBox]] ]
help [ href=[[ikiwiki/formatting]] ]
newpage [ href=[[NewPage]] ]

google -> sandbox -> help -> newpage -> help -> google;

The graph directive supports the following parameters:

  • src - The graphviz source to render.
  • file - A file in the wiki containing the graphviz source.
  • type - The type of graph to render: graph or digraph. Defaults to digraph.
  • prog - The graphviz program to render with: dot, neato, fdp, twopi, or circo. Defaults to dot.
  • height, width - Limit the size of the graph to a given height and width, in inches. You must specify both to limit the size; otherwise, graphviz will choose a size, without any limit.

counter customisable